[Spambayes] Bug with 1.0b1 ???

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Thu Oct 7 00:13:05 CEST 2004

> I confirm the bug described in my previous mail and that I 
> attach again to this one. After having searched through you 
> bug database, I found that maybe 943397 and 949000 have some 
> common aspects with it but in fact my bug must be the same as 
> 1036868, except that I have the message I describe : "Please 
> select a child folder - top-level folders can not be used"

Why do you think that it's like 1036868 and not 943397/949000?  From your
description, it appears to be exactly the same as 943397/949000.  Happily,
those have already been fixed (as the bug report indicates), and so you just
need to upgrade from 1.0b1 to 1.0 and the problem will be fixed.

If you still have a problem when using 1.0, it's possible (though extremely
unlikely, given that you get an error message) that you have the same
problem as in 1036868.  If so, please read the comments on the tracker, and
note whether the suggested problem & solution apply to you.

=Tony Meyer

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