[Spambayes] RE: [Spambayes-announce] ANNOUNCE: SpamBayes release1.0.1

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Fri Nov 26 05:09:40 CET 2004

> It's not too far off. I said in the original that I don't 
> bother updating to 2.x+ all the time. I forgot about 2.(x+1)a0 -
> usually that happens a bit down the track, once there's actually
> been changes to the trunk...

Ah, ok.  So as a draft to add to README-DEVEL (at the end of the process):

 o Change spambayes/__init__.py to contain the new version number with a
   '+' at the end, to indicate to CVS users that they are using code after
   the release, and check this change in.  After a number of changes have
   been checked in, this can be incremented and have "a0" added to the end.
   For example, with a 1.1 release:
       [before the release process] '1.1rc1'
       [during the release process] '1.1'
       [after the release process]  '1.1+'
       [later]                      '1.2a0'

Seem ok?  That'd make CVS Head '1.1a0' and the maintenance branch '1.0.1+'


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