[Spambayes] Unable to Access SpamBayes Browser Interface Using sb_imapfilter.py

usr7-28hl at xemaps.com usr7-28hl at xemaps.com
Mon Nov 22 21:05:32 CET 2004

Hello, everyone.

Did my message (quoted below) get lost, or did I just miss the 
replies again?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


I wrote:

> Hi, Tony.
> I seem to be having trouble either posting to the list or receiving my 
> list posts. I posted a reply yesterday and haven't seen it; I apologize 
> is this is a repeat.
> Tony Meyer wrote:
>> There was a response from Scott Burns:
>> <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/spambayes/2004-November/015109.html>
>> He's correct that the problem here:
>>> 3. >telnet localhost:8880
>>> Connecting to localhost:8880...Could not open connection to the host, 
>>> on post 23: Connect failed
> For some reason, I didn't receive Scott's reply. (Thanks anyway, Scott!) 
> I even searched my entire account for a message from him and didn't see 
> one.
>> Is that you need to do "telnet localhost 8880" (no colon) in order to 
>> test
>> the connection.
> I knew that! ;-) It is a little embarrassing; the "on post 23" is 
> somewhat of a giveaway, isn't it? Anyway, I'm pretty sure I did test 
> this using both formats at one time....
>> When you know if you can telnet to it, you'll know whether the web 
>> interface
>> isn't being served, or if it's a problem connecting to it in your 
>> browser.
>> The latter is likely to be something to do with proxies or firewalls that
>> you are using.  The former could be a SpamBayes bug.
> A "telnet localhost 8880" also fails. So where do we go from here, since 
> it seems as though I'm the only one with this bug, or whatever it may be?
> Thanks.

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