[Spambayes] No "Delete as Spam" button in Junk Suspects

Roger Rasnake RRasnake at aintl.com
Thu Nov 11 14:41:39 CET 2004

Since I updated recently to the 1.0 version of Spambayes, I no longer
have a "delete as spam" button in the Junk Suspects folder, only
"Recover from Spam."  Before, of course, both buttons appeared.  I can,
of course, just delete them; but since I've assumed that "deleting as
spam" added those to the training database, that possibility is now
lost.  I tried reinstalling Spambayes, in case it was perhaps a problem
on my computer, but there was no change.  Any thoughts?  Or is this a
change in the program?
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