[Spambayes] message.py contains bug (fix attached)

Gerard Haagh gerard at signet.nl
Mon Nov 8 22:06:34 CET 2004

Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part --------------
#! /usr/bin/env python

"""message.py - Core Spambayes classes.

    Message - an email.Message.Message, extended with spambayes methods
    SBHeaderMessage - A Message with spambayes header manipulations
    MessageInfoDB - persistent state storage for Message


    MessageInfoDB is a simple shelve persistency class for the persistent
    state of a Message obect.  For the moment, the db name is hard-coded,
    but we'll have to do this a different way.  Mark Hammond's idea is to
    have a master database, that simply keeps track of the names and instances
    of other databases, such as the wordinfo and msginfo databases.  The
    MessageInfoDB currently does not provide iterators, but should at some
    point.  This would allow us to, for example, see how many messages
    have been trained differently than their classification, for fp/fn
    assessment purposes.

    Message is an extension of the email package Message class, to
    include persistent message information. The persistent state
    -currently- consists of the message id, its current
    classification, and its current training.  The payload is not
    persisted. Payload persistence is left to whatever mail client
    software is being used.

    SBHeaderMessage extends Message to include spambayes header specific

    A typical classification usage pattern would be something like:

    >>> msg = spambayes.message.SBHeaderMessage()
    >>> msg.setPayload(substance) # substance comes from somewhere else
    >>> id = msg.setIdFromPayload()

    >>> if id is None:
    >>>     msg.setId(time())   # or some unique identifier

    >>> msg.delSBHeaders()      # never include sb headers in a classification

    >>> # bayes object is your responsibility
    >>> (prob, clues) = bayes.spamprob(msg.asTokens(), evidence=True)

    >>> msg.addSBHeaders(prob, clues)

    A typical usage pattern to train as spam would be something like:

    >>> msg = spambayes.message.SBHeaderMessage()
    >>> msg.setPayload(substance) # substance comes from somewhere else
    >>> id = msg.setId(msgid)     # id is a fname, outlook msg id, something...

    >>> msg.delSBHeaders()        # never include sb headers in a train

    >>> if msg.getTraining() == False:   # could be None, can't do boolean test
    >>>     bayes.unlearn(msg.asTokens(), False)  # untrain the ham

    >>> bayes.learn(msg.asTokens(), True) # train as spam
    >>> msg.rememberTraining(True)

To Do:
    o Master DB module, or at least make the msginfodb name an options parm
    o Figure out how to safely add message id to body (or if it can be done
      at all...)
    o Suggestions?


# This module is part of the spambayes project, which is Copyright 2002-3
# The Python Software Foundation and is covered by the Python Software
# Foundation license.

__author__ = "Tim Stone <tim at fourstonesExpressions.com>"
__credits__ = "Mark Hammond, Tony Meyer, all the spambayes contributors."

from __future__ import generators

    True, False
except NameError:
    # Maintain compatibility with Python 2.2
    True, False = 1, 0
    def bool(val):
        return not not val

import os
import types
import math
import re
import errno
import shelve
import pickle

import email
import email.Message
import email.Parser
import email.Header

from spambayes import dbmstorage
from spambayes.Options import options, get_pathname_option
from spambayes.tokenizer import tokenize

from cStringIO import StringIO

CRLF_RE = re.compile(r'\r\n|\r|\n')

class MessageInfoBase(object):
    def __init__(self, db_name):
        self.db_name = db_name

    def _getState(self, msg):
        if self.db is not None:
                attributes = self.db[msg.getId()]
            except KeyError:
                if not isinstance(attributes, types.ListType):
                    # Old-style message info db, which only
                    # handles storing 'c' and 't'.
                    (msg.c, msg.t) = attributes
                for att, val in attributes:
                    setattr(msg, att, val)

    def _setState(self, msg):
        if self.db is not None:
            attributes = []
            for att in msg.stored_attributes:
                attributes.append((att, getattr(msg, att)))
            self.db[msg.getId()] = attributes

    def _delState(self, msg):
        if self.db is not None:
            del self.db[msg.getId()]

class MessageInfoPickle(MessageInfoBase):
    def __init__(self, db_name, pickle_type=1):
        MessageInfoBase.__init__(self, db_name)
        self.mode = pickle_type

    def load(self):
            fp = open(self.db_name, 'rb')
        except IOError, e:
            if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                # New pickle
                self.db = {}
            self.db = pickle.load(fp)

    def close(self):
        # we keep no resources open - nothing to do

    def store(self):
        fp = open(self.db_name, 'wb')
        pickle.dump(self.db, fp, self.mode)

class MessageInfoDB(MessageInfoBase):
    def __init__(self, db_name, mode='c'):
        MessageInfoBase.__init__(self, db_name)
        self.mode = mode

    def load(self):
            self.dbm = dbmstorage.open(self.db_name, self.mode)
            self.db = shelve.Shelf(self.dbm)
        except dbmstorage.error:
            # This probably means that we don't have a dbm module
            # available.  Print out a warning, and continue on
            # (not persisting any of this data).
            if options["globals", "verbose"]:
                print "Warning: no dbm modules available for MessageInfoDB"
            self.dbm = self.db = None

    def __del__(self):

    def close(self):
        # Close our underlying database.  Better not assume all databases
        # have close functions!
        def noop(): pass
        getattr(self.db, "close", noop)()
        getattr(self.dbm, "close", noop)()

    def store(self):
        if self.db is not None:

# This should come from a Mark Hammond idea of a master db
# For the moment, we get the name of another file from the options,
# so that these files don't litter lots of working directories.
# Once there is a master db, this option can be removed.
message_info_db_name = get_pathname_option("Storage", "messageinfo_storage_file")
if options["Storage", "persistent_use_database"] is True or \
   options["Storage", "persistent_use_database"] == "True" or \
   options["Storage", "persistent_use_database"] == "dbm":
    msginfoDB = MessageInfoDB(message_info_db_name)
elif options["Storage", "persistent_use_database"] is False or \
     options["Storage", "persistent_use_database"] == "False" or \
     options["Storage", "persistent_use_database"] == "pickle":
    msginfoDB = MessageInfoPickle(message_info_db_name)

class Message(email.Message.Message):
    '''An email.Message.Message extended for Spambayes'''

    def __init__(self):

        # persistent state
        self.stored_attributes = ['c', 't',]
        self.id = None
        self.c = None
        self.t = None

        # non-persistent state includes all of email.Message.Message state

    # This function (and it's hackishness) can be avoided by using the
    # message_from_string and sbheadermessage_from_string functions
    # at the end of the module.  i.e. instead of doing this:
    #   >>> msg = spambayes.message.SBHeaderMessage()
    #   >>> msg.setPayload(substance)
    # you do this:
    #   >>> msg = sbheadermessage_from_string(substance)
    # imapfilter has an example of this in action
    def setPayload(self, payload):
        prs = email.Parser.Parser()
        fp = StringIO(payload)
        # this is kindof a hack, due to the fact that the parser creates a
        # new message object, and we already have the message object
        prs._parseheaders(self, fp)
        # we may want to do some header parsing error handling here
        # to try to extract important headers regardless of malformations
        prs._parsebody(self, fp)

    def setId(self, id):
        if self.id and self.id != id:
            raise ValueError, "MsgId has already been set, cannot be changed"

        if id is None:
            raise ValueError, "MsgId must not be None"

        if not type(id) in types.StringTypes:
            raise TypeError, "Id must be a string"

        self.id = id

    def getId(self):
        return self.id

    def asTokens(self):
        return tokenize(self.as_string())

    def tokenize(self):
        return self.asTokens()

    def _force_CRLF(self, data):
        """Make sure data uses CRLF for line termination."""
        return CRLF_RE.sub('\r\n', data)

    def as_string(self, unixfrom=False):
        # The email package stores line endings in the "internal" Python
        # format ('\n').  It is up to whoever transmits that information to
        # convert to appropriate line endings (according to RFC822, that is
        # \r\n *only*).  imaplib *should* take care of this for us (in the
        # append function), but does not, so we do it here
            return self._force_CRLF(\
                email.Message.Message.as_string(self, unixfrom))
        except TypeError:
            parts = []
            for part in self.get_payload():
                parts.append(email.Message.Message.as_string(part, unixfrom))
            return self._force_CRLF("\n".join(parts))

    def modified(self):
        if self.id:    # only persist if key is present

    def GetClassification(self):
        if self.c == 's':
            return options['Headers','header_spam_string']
        elif self.c == 'h':
            return options['Headers','header_ham_string']
        elif self.c == 'u':
            return options['Headers','header_unsure_string']
        return None

    def RememberClassification(self, cls):
        # this must store state independent of options settings, as they
        # may change, which would really screw this database up

        if cls == options['Headers','header_spam_string']:
            self.c = 's'
        elif cls == options['Headers','header_ham_string']:
            self.c = 'h'
        elif cls == options['Headers','header_unsure_string']:
            self.c = 'u'
            raise ValueError, \
                  "Classification must match header strings in options"

    def GetTrained(self):
        return self.t

    def RememberTrained(self, isSpam):
        # isSpam == None means no training has been done
        self.t = isSpam

    def __repr__(self):
        return "spambayes.message.Message%r" % repr(self.__getstate__())

    def __getstate__(self):
        return (self.id, self.c, self.t)

    def __setstate__(self, t):
        (self.id, self.c, self.t) = t

class SBHeaderMessage(Message):
    '''Message class that is cognizant of Spambayes headers.
    Adds routines to add/remove headers for Spambayes'''

    def __init__(self):

    def setIdFromPayload(self):
        except ValueError:
            return None

        return self.id

    def addSBHeaders(self, prob, clues):
        """Add hammie header, and remember message's classification.  Also,
        add optional headers if needed."""

        if prob < options['Categorization','ham_cutoff']:
            disposition = options['Headers','header_ham_string']
            disptype = 'ham'
        elif prob > options['Categorization','spam_cutoff']:
            disposition = options['Headers','header_spam_string']
            disptype = 'spam'
            disposition = options['Headers','header_unsure_string']
            disptype = 'unsure'
        self[options['Headers','classification_header_name']] = disposition

        if options['Headers','include_score']:
            disp = "%.*f" % (options["Headers", "header_score_digits"], prob)
            if options["Headers", "header_score_logarithm"]:
                if prob<=0.005 and prob>0.0:
                    disp += " (%d)"%x
                if prob>=0.995 and prob<1.0:
                    disp += " (%d)"%x
            self[options['Headers','score_header_name']] = disp

        if options['Headers','include_thermostat']:
            thermostat = '**********'
            self[options['Headers','thermostat_header_name']] = \

        if options['Headers','include_evidence']:
            hco = options['Headers','clue_mailheader_cutoff']
            sco = 1 - hco
            evd = []
            for word, score in clues:
                if (word[0] == '*' or score <= hco or score >= sco):
                    if isinstance(word, types.UnicodeType):
                        word = email.Header.Header(word,
                    evd.append("%r: %.2f" % (word, score))

            # Line-wrap this header, because it can get very long.  We don't
            # use email.Header.Header because that can explode with unencoded
            # non-ASCII characters.  We can't use textwrap because that's 2.3.
            wrappedEvd = []
            headerName = options['Headers','evidence_header_name']
            lineLength = len(headerName) + len(': ')
            for component, index in zip(evd, range(len(evd))):
                lineLength += len(component)
                if index < len(evd)-1:
                    if lineLength + len('; ') + len(evd[index+1]) < 78:
                        wrappedEvd.append('; ')
                        lineLength = 8
            self[headerName] = "".join(wrappedEvd)

        # These are pretty ugly, but no-one has a better idea about how to
        # allow filtering in 'stripped down' mailers like Outlook Express,
        # so for the moment, they stay in.
        # options["Headers", "notate_to"] (and notate_subject) can be
        # either a single string (like "spam") or a tuple (like
        # ("unsure", "spam")).  In Python 2.3 checking for a string in
        # something that could be a string or a tuple works fine, but
        # it dies in Python 2.2, because you can't do 'string in string',
        # only 'character in string', so we allow for that.
        if isinstance(options["Headers", "notate_to"], types.StringTypes):
            notate_to = (options["Headers", "notate_to"],)
            notate_to = options["Headers", "notate_to"]
        if disptype in notate_to:
                self.replace_header("To", "%s,%s" % (disposition,
            except KeyError:
                self["To"] = disposition

        if isinstance(options["Headers", "notate_subject"], types.StringTypes):
            notate_subject = (options["Headers", "notate_subject"],)
            notate_subject = options["Headers", "notate_subject"]
        if disptype in notate_subject:
                self.replace_header("Subject", "%s,%s" % (disposition,
            except KeyError:
                self["Subject"] = disposition

        if options['Headers','add_unique_id']:
            self[options['Headers','mailid_header_name']] = self.id

    def currentSBHeaders(self):
        """Return a dictionary containing the current values of the
        SpamBayes headers.  This can be used to restore the values
        after using the delSBHeaders() function."""
        headers = {}
        for header_name in [options['Headers','classification_header_name'],
                            options['Headers','classification_header_name'] + "-ID",
            value = self[header_name]
            if value is not None:
                headers[header_name] = value
        return headers

    def delSBHeaders(self):
        del self[options['Headers','classification_header_name']]
        del self[options['Headers','mailid_header_name']]
        del self[options['Headers','classification_header_name'] + "-ID"]  # test mode header
        del self[options['Headers','thermostat_header_name']]
        del self[options['Headers','evidence_header_name']]
        del self[options['Headers','score_header_name']]
        del self[options['Headers','trained_header_name']]

# These perform similar functions to email.message_from_string()
def message_from_string(s, _class=Message, strict=False):
    return email.message_from_string(s, _class, strict)

def sbheadermessage_from_string(s, _class=SBHeaderMessage, strict=False):
    return email.message_from_string(s, _class, strict)

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