[Spambayes] SpamBayes feature suggestion

C B cinnamonbelle at wildmail.com
Mon Nov 1 16:21:33 CET 2004

Am so far impressed with SpamBayes' intuitiveness, ease of use, and - 
though it's not quite near perfect yet - its accuracy... actually I 
have a suggestion and a half.

1) Would be great if SpamBayes could suggest and implement a settings 
change at install that lets a person right-click on their junk e-mail 
folder and see a menu selection for 'empty junk e-mail folder' - just 
like the trash folder. Maybe similar functionality for the junk 
suspects folder.

2) It might get prohibitively bulky to start processing individual 
blacklists - or for that matter whitelists - as part of SpamBayes 
(which after all is supposed to be Bayesian)... but if there's a way 
to do that fast, it would help. I find Microsoft Outlook's message 
rules processing way too slow to want to use it on incoming e-mail... 
no matter how few things I'm asking it to find.

Carry on. :)  Great work... so far better than a commercial packaged-
with-updates anti-spam consumer product I've tried.

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