[Spambayes] Error Messages in log file?

VBCoder VBCoder at iUpTown.com
Tue May 25 22:04:27 EDT 2004

I am using Windows ME and the Outlook plug-in.

I am getting these error messages in the error log very frequently?

pythoncom error: Python error invoking COM method.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "win32com\server\policy.pyc", line 283, in _Invoke_
  File "win32com\server\policy.pyc", line 288, in _invoke_
  File "win32com\server\policy.pyc", line 616, in _invokeex_
  File "win32com\server\policy.pyc", line 550, in _invokeex_
  File "addin.pyc", line 390, in OnItemAdd
  File "msgstore.pyc", line 365, in GetMessage
msgstore.NotFoundException: NotFoundException: Exception 0x8004010f
(MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND): OLE error 0x8004010f

I get this error message when I try to do a check for new version?
Error checking the latest version
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "addin.pyc", line 543, in CheckLatestVersion
  File "spambayes\Version.pyc", line 148, in fetch_latest_dict
  File "urllib2.pyc", line 129, in urlopen
  File "urllib2.pyc", line 326, in open
  File "urllib2.pyc", line 306, in _call_chain
  File "urllib2.pyc", line 901, in http_open
  File "urllib2.pyc", line 886, in do_open
URLError: <urlopen error (10053, 'Software caused connection abort')>
ERROR: 'There was an error checking for the latest version\r\nFor specific
details on the error, please see the SpamBayes log\r\n\r\nPlease check your
internet connection, or try again later'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "addin.pyc", line 543, in CheckLatestVersion
  File "spambayes\Version.pyc", line 148, in fetch_latest_dict
  File "urllib2.pyc", line 129, in urlopen
  File "urllib2.pyc", line 326, in open
  File "urllib2.pyc", line 306, in _call_chain
  File "urllib2.pyc", line 901, in http_open
  File "urllib2.pyc", line 886, in do_open
URLError: <urlopen error (10053, 'Software caused connection abort')>

Please let me know what is needed to resiolve this.

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