[Spambayes] I am the author of my own undoing.

Webb Scales scales at zko.dec.com
Thu Mar 25 14:37:17 EST 2004

Bill Yerazunis wrote:

> Let me offer a fourth option:
> Assuming SpamBayes has a way to command learning from the command line,
> create a pair of "magic words" that nobody is likely to ever guess.
> Then, change your procmail recipe such that:

Bill, you've given me an even s[l]icker idea that I like better.  8-)

I can set up a procmail recipe to launch the training session using
sb_imapfilter under a procmail-instantiated lock.  This way, I can continue to
simply put the training candidates into a specific pair of folders, and when
the training happens, it will be properly synchronized (and, I never have to
explicitly launch the trainer!).  (And, I can leave learning python for
another day.... ;-)

Now, the only problem is...the details.  I obviously don't want to launch the
trainer every time there's incoming mail message (the trainer start-up is too
slow, and doing so is completely unnecessary).  Launching it once a day would
be plenty.

So, anybody got some cool procmail recipe code which causes something to
happen once-a-day, or not-within-24-hours-of-the-last time, or similar?


                sicksicksicksicksicksicksicksick....  8-)

Webb Scales                                Hewlett-Packard Company
scales at zko.dec.com                      110 Spit Brook Rd, ZKO2-3/N30
Voice: 603.884.2196, FAX: 603.884.0120     Nashua, NH 03062-2711
       Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.

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