[Spambayes] your product

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Mar 17 14:48:37 EST 2004

    Douglas> Who are you guys?

Just a bunch of techies with a particular itch to scratch.
    Douglas> How do we know that you aren't Bulgarians offering a 'trojan
    Douglas> horse' that will compromise our security?

1.  We probably write English better than most Bulgarians.

2.  The code is open source.  You're welcome to browse/inspect/audit it.
    Start here:

    Douglas> Where are you?  Do you have a telephone number?

I am personally in Evanston, Illinois.  As a group we don't have a phone
number.  If it would really make you more comfortable to talk to someone
feel free to call me: 847-971-7098.

Skip Montanaro
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skip at pobox.com

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