FW: [Spambayes] possible bug

Randy DeMars randydemars at bretting.com
Sat Mar 13 15:05:34 EST 2004

Sorry - didn't read the paragraph until after I replied...

-----Original Message-----
From: Randy DeMars 
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 1:59 PM
To: 'Tony Meyer'
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] possible bug


No luck.  I turned off the background filtering option and the problem still
exists.  I get the Outlook requester saying it is requesting data from the
Exchange server when I start outlook, and also as I switch from tab to tab
on the Manager dialog box.  If I cancel this, I get a Spambayes message
reporting I have a configuration error telling me that my unsure folder is
invalid.  When I run the wizard to try to fix it, I can browse, but it only
sees my Outlook data file (the one that resides on my hard drive) but none
of my server-based folders (inbox, etc)  It definitely seems like a
communication issue somewhere. I don't know what could be different about my
configuration, except that we use Exchange 5.5, which is old and

If these further hints don't tell you anything, then don't worry about it.
I will bump down to the old version.  This one worked fine for me.

Randy	DeMars

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Meyer [mailto:tameyer at ihug.co.nz] 
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 2:26 AM
To: 'Randy DeMars'; spambayes at python.org
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] possible bug

> I updates to the latest Outlook addin and have a
> problem now that I didn't have with the previous version. 
> When I connect to the Exchange server, Outlook appears to
> lock up for some time.  I get multiple dialog boxes that
> say that outlook is requesting data from the exchange
> server.  After about 2 minutes, my inbox finally appears,
> but none of the messages are scored.  If I tell Spambayes
> to filter my inbox, it will then work.  The attached log
> file indicates my folders were not available.
> I would guess it is some kind of communication timeout. 
> My Outlook configuration is all the same as it was before
> I upgraded Spambayes, and it worked fine then.

The only thing I can think of that changed with 0.9 that could cause this is
that background filtering is now on by default, when it used to be off.
Maybe that's changed the regularity of the Exchange communication, or

Anyway, if you don't know whether you previously had background filtering on
or off, then it'll have been off.  If it was previously off, try turning it
off again (Advanced tab of the Manager dialog) and see if that makes a

Otherwise, I'm stumped :(

=Tony Meyer

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