[Spambayes] Errors when setting up IMAP folders to filter andtrainusing the web interface

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sat Mar 13 03:34:38 EST 2004

> Truly, I raised the problem because I couldn't 
> find another example of it and I want to help you all resolve 
> any problems to make spambayes better. 

A very worthwhile aim!  Hopefully after this week I won't be quite as busy
and will manage to try and fix & close some of the outstanding bugs so that
we can move on towards 1.0b1 (the poor release schedule keeps slipping and

> With that said, I 
> suspect this might be a problem with the way my company's 
> imap server is configured, or something I am doing 
> incorrectly.  So I am trying to investigate possible mistakes 
> on my end and sending messages to you all.

Thanks, all help much appreciated.  Certainly IMAP is a complex beast and
the differences between the way different servers do things has been the
script's biggest problem.

> It WAS a file named "/".  I actually accidentally saved a 
> file in 'vi' with that filename.  I removed a bunch of junk 
> from my /trout/home/josh/ folder now, including that file.

That would explain why it was a literal, when the others weren't.

> > [...]
> > > Invalid response to select /trout/home/josh/mail/Newspammail:
> > It comes from imaplib (the Python standard module).  If you do:
> > 
> > python
> > >>> import imaplib
> > >>> i = imaplib.IMAP4("your.server.name")
> > >>> i.login("username", "password")
> > >>> i.select("/trout/home/josh/mail/Newspammail")

[Tries this, doesn't work]

> It doesn't appear any folder exists in my IMAP server?  It is 
> odd, I guess the fact that I could "subscribe" to 
> 'Newspammail' in Evolution gave me the idea that it was/is an 
> Imap Folder.  I am apparently wrong.

Not necessarily.  There's probably something wrong with the instructions I
gave; maybe the folder delimiter isn't '/', or there needs to be a different
root (/mail/Newspammail or something).  In any case, now that the web
interface is working, hopefully this should not be a problem (if curious,
you could see what a folder selected looks like in your config file;
presumably it'll be different to the above).

> HA!  something has changed on my end, probably the imap 
> server?  I'm not sure I am of much help now, because this 
> time the web configuration listed all the folders in my home 
> directory.  Wait, I bet cleaning the directory 
> /trout/home/josh/ of junk and the "/" file name rectified the 
> web configuration problems in my previous mail.
> I will update this thread to see if that "/" file might have
> been the whole problem. 

I suspect it was some file in there, very possibly that one (since I don't
think you could actually create a folder/file on an IMAP server (properly)
that was called the same thing as the folder delimiter).

> Thanks for the help!

No worries; thanks for the patience!

=Tony Meyer

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