[Spambayes] How do I remove SpamBayes

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sat Mar 13 02:43:41 EST 2004

> I am still using Spambayes but am getting frustrated in that 
> it keeps sending messages from people who are listed in my 
> address book into the suspected junkmail or the junkmail box.
> Am I doing something wrong?

First off, the fact that they are in the address book does not mean anything
at all to SpamBayes (these days, it's fairly common to get spam purporting
to be from someone you know, or, thanks to compromised computers, even
actually from someone you know).  Filtering based on address books is known
as "whitelisting", and there are no plans to add it to SpamBayes, although
it would be accepted as an optional addition to the plug-in if someone else
contributes the code.  FAQ 6.6 explains more, including a method by which
you can get Outlook to whitelist for you.


In any case, with appropriate training, SpamBayes should fairly easily learn
that messages from these people are not spam.  Have you trained on any?  How
many messages have you trained on in total (ham and spam totals would be
good)?  Do you have roughly the same amount of ham and spam trained?

An example "show clues" from a message that gets incorrectly classified
would greatly help here, and would also answer all of the above questions.

=Tony Meyer

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