[Spambayes] Mailing List

Katz, Amir Amir_Katz at bmc.com
Wed Mar 10 00:18:39 EST 2004

This is yet another example of people using a tool without fully
understanding what its purpose is and how it works...and then blaming it for
their troubles. I'm not sure it's worthy of the SB developers' time to try
to educate such people - hey, it's a free product - you don't like it? don't
use it, end of story. You have a problem? you can ask nicely for advice
instead of throwing accusations.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Mooney [mailto:moonsail at marinanet.net]
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 15:53
To: spambayes at python.org
Subject: [Spambayes] Mailing List

I recently subscribed to Spambayes at the recommendation of a friend.  I
liked the sound of the methods your program uses to learn each users tastes.
I have been using my current e-mail id for about 15 months, and remarkably
only was receiving one or two junk mails a week.  My main reason for
installing Spambayes now was so I wouldn't forget about it by the time I
really needed it.  
Within hours of installing Spambayes, I received a junk mail.  Within the
the next couple of days I was getting several a day.  Now after two weeks,
I'm getting five or six per day.  While your program is handling them great,
I resent the fact that you were obviously the source of spreading my e-mail,
and now that it's out there, I know from experience the abuse will only
I will not recommend your program to anybody unless they already have a
large problem with spam.
Chris Mooney

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