[Spambayes] Can't get to additional Outlook inboxes to filter them

LTA Webmaster webmaster at lta.org
Tue Mar 2 18:21:18 EST 2004

 Great news on this!  I tried Tony's suggestion and it didn't help, so I
tried one more thing.  I removed the extra mailboxes from my profile and
then added them again.  It cleared it right up.  So Tony was right,
something was wrong with the ID, and by removing and re-adding it has
cleared it right up!  Thanks Tony, your idea was on the right track, it
was just easier to solve than you thought!


-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Meyer [mailto:tameyer at ihug.co.nz] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 11:23 PM
To: LTA Webmaster; spambayes at python.org
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] Can't get to additional Outlook inboxes to
filter them

> A week ago I installed Spambayes version .9, at that point
> I had Office 2000 on my computer, and I was very pleased
> when Spambayes recognized all the additional inboxes I 
> had setup in my setup of Outlook (rorris, Webmaster, support).
> I told it not to filter support, but I loved that it
> filtered rorris and Webmaster.  Then two days ago I upgraded
> to Office 2003, and I noticed that SpamBayes was no longer
> filtering my Webmaster inbox, but it is still filtering my
> rorris mailbox.

SpamBayes currently remembers which folders it is filtering by
the internal 'store id' (pst file, Exchange, etc) and 'entry id' (the
itself) for each folder.  I suspect that what has happened here is that
as a
result of the upgrade process the id for the webmaster mailbox has
(is it maybe on a different store to the rorris one?).

> I looked in the configuration and it still
> lists inbox; inbox as being filtered, but when I browse and
> try to reset up which folders I want to filter, I run into a
> problem.  I can't expand the Webmaster mailbox to get to
> the inbox, nothing happens when I click on the plus sign. 

Something's going wrong when SpamBayes tries to access the children of
of the stores, although it's not clear what that is.  I'm not familiar
enough with the MAPI errors to figure it out, so if this isn't resolved
below), then I'd suggest submitting a bug report on sourceforge
<http://sf.net/projects/spambayes>, which means that Mark will notice it
sooner or later.

> NOTE:  I did not uninstall the database files and the
> config files, maybe I should try that.

Removing/renaming the database files should have no effect on this at
(other than removing your training, obviously).  However,
the config files should fix this problem; at least it should fix the
of trying to access the webmaster inbox.  Whether it will fix the
problem of
accessing it in the Manager configuration is another question, but I
it will.  This is the best bet for a solution; if it doesn't work then
bug report (as above) is probably the next best step.

=Tony Meyer

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