[Spambayes] Spambayes as an open mil relay ???

Christopher Jastram cej at intech.com
Mon Mar 1 15:21:31 EST 2004


You probably have one of the several different worms (distributed via 
email, peer-to-peer networking apps such as Kazaa, etc) that use your 
computer as an open relay.  Do you have McAfee or some other antivirus 
program?  Does your computer pop ads even  when you're not doing 
anything online?  Many of these worms can walk right through a firewall, 
because they're disguised as normal email/files/web pages.

I haven't looked at the SpamBayes code, but my suspicion would be a 
Windows worm, rather than the SpamBayes code.  Of course, if you've 
already checked for worms, smack me please.

Also, check out www.sysinternals.com for tools that can tell you what 
processes or services are using various files and network ports. 
Tremendously useful stuff (can't beat the price).


Lee Edward Armstrong wrote:
> Hi there,
> I recently installed this spam killer and it seems to be working quite well.....
> However today i came back to my pc after work and saw my net connection being 
> hammered....Looked into what my firewall said and the only thing running was 
> spambayes !
> Had a further look and i get the feeling that after a port sacn or two, someone has 
> twigged i'm running this and seen it as a free spam relay point ????
> Is this posible ???
> If so, its one hell of a dodgy loop hole !
> I'm running Win98 (not SE), Pegasus Mail (so not the outlook plug-in) and Sygate 
> Personal Firewall.
> Any help much appriciated - & please reply personaly as well to the group as i'm not 
> yet subscribed.
> Ta,
>       Lee
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