[Spambayes] a problem

Cheryl Davis cheryl.davis4 at comcast.net
Mon Mar 1 08:52:36 EST 2004

I have to admit I am a true novice when it comes to the workings of the
computer.  However, my son who is an electrical engineer and a friend who
works with him suggested your program to me as a Spam blocker.  I think it
must work great or they would not have suggested it.  However, I have to
tell you a problem I am having and see if there is some way to work it out
without removing your program.  I have installed it this morning after
receiving 12 email.  I opened two and then installed the program.  The set
the program to run automatically. I guess that was my first mistake.  I set
the two applications for junk mail and junk suspects.  When it was set it
automatically removed the 10 email I had not opened and sent them to
never-never land.  I have no clue as to how to find them.  I do not have my
Outlook set for separate files or folders just the normal Inbox, Sent,
Delete, and Outgoing.  The email that has disappeared was in my Inbox.  I
know that I will not be able to receive an email from you in answer to this
but I am going to give you my phone number in the hope that you will call me
and let me know how I can correct this or retrieve my messages.  Thanks for
any help you may be able to provide me.

Cheryl L. Davis
(954) 943-9103
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