WG: [Spambayes] Outlook 2000, delete spam on provider mailserver

Hanspeter Oehrli hpoehrli at swissonline.ch
Thu Jun 17 14:18:18 EDT 2004

Outlook 2000 on a W2K fully updated Laptop Pentium 2

When closing Outlook which is configured for delete the files
of the DELETED folder on the providers memory, no such
delete at the providers happen anymore (some months now).
The mass of spam-mails and the other DELETED-folders files
have to be deleted manually at the provider.
No multiple download of read messages occure here!

I was preparing a log, but I was unable to attach it
and I did nowhere find a instruction
I add the log here: spambayesN.log
Thanks for your help
Hanspeter Oehrli
> > This sounds a lot like this bug report:
> > [ 842182 ] email not deleted from server
> <http://sf.net/tracker/?group_id=61702&atid=498103&func=detail&aid=842182>
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