[Spambayes] RE: Spambayes Digest, Vol 70, Issue 24

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Tue Jun 15 23:48:04 EDT 2004

[Russ Bird]
> How do I view the answers to the questions that I receive in my mailbox?
> Please put a link back to the proper site so the ansers can be read.
> Thanks

[and 30KB of a SpamBayes digest mailing snipped]

Russ, I'm sorry, but I can't make sense out of your question or your
request.  This is a public mailing list.  If you subscribed to it in digest
mode, then every now & again a batch of messages sent to this list get
rammed together and mailed to you, automatically by the mailing list
software.  It has no idea which questions go with which answers.  If
subscribed to this list in non-digest mode, you'd get exactly the same
messages in the same order, but one at a time.

Then again, I'm not even sure you're talking about the SpamBayes digest you

Please try again?  (But without including 30KB of stuff you don't reference
-- that's a burden on every mailing list reader.)

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