[Spambayes] SpamBayes Installation Problem

LUCASSooty at cs.com LUCASSooty at cs.com
Wed Jun 9 08:50:54 EDT 2004

1. downloaded your application.
2. configured per your instructions
3. email and web browser: compuserve 2000 ver 7.0

when i open my email in compuserve and click on the spambayes tray icon the 
system cannot make a connection to spambayes.

have i configured correctly?  i use a cable modem through road runner 

how do i change this configuration if incorrect?

platform, xp home addition.

if i click on the spambayes tray icon before i start compuserve the system 
freezes  i then have to go into the task manager and end the wcs2000.exe


alan lucas

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