[Spambayes] spam forwarded through the list

Tim Stone tim at fourstonesExpressions.com
Mon Jan 26 16:27:54 EST 2004

On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 21:49:23 +0100, Simone Piunno 
<pioppo at ferrara.linux.it> wrote:

> Hi,
> maybe you didn't note it because you're running spambayes on your PC, 
> but in
> the last week several spam messages have been forwarded through the list.
> This is not a good presentation for spambayes ;)
> Maybe the filters on python.org should be sharpened.

That mailing lists are frequently targeted by spammers is not new news.  
Spambayes list is no different.  That Spambayes is specifically designed 
to filter spam at the client side is additionally no secret.  If someone 
is subscribed to the spambayes list, and not running spambayes to filter 
the spam that is sent to the (unmoderated) list, then they should get busy 
and install it.  That will then deal with the problem much more readily 
than if we were to try to affect how python.org applies server side 
filters to their mailing lists.

Vous exprimer; Exprésese; Te stesso esprimere; Express yourself!
Tim Stone

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