[Spambayes] Wired: Random Acts of Spamness

Bill Yerazunis wsy at merl.com
Wed Jan 14 08:48:08 EST 2004

   From: "Tim Peters" <tim.one at comcast.net>
   > I'm impressed - the journo didn't mangle what I said. <wink>

   Cool!  And they didn't put your name under a picture of Mark, either <wink>.

   There's something fishy about the "random dictionary words" I'm seeing in
   spam:  they're either using a very dictionary, or have a very random number
   generator.  For example, bellatrix and bindweed have appeared in multiple
   spam here.  I doubt that the 22nd brightest star in the sky is a strong ham
   word for most of us <wink>.


Yeah.  I'm getting a lot of "dictionary salad" as well.

Fortunately, it's a dead giveaway.  :)

I've also now acquired more spams that use the Habeas Haiku than
emails that used it... so now it's a spam indicator.  :)

       -Bill Yerazunis

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