[Spambayes] Password authentication problem with POP3Proxy

Stephen Ban ban at zoology.ubc.ca
Tue Jan 13 20:22:32 EST 2004

I'm running Eudora with the SpamBayes POP3Proxy; I have multiple 
accounts/servers that I would like to proxy through SpamBayes, and the 
first account sets up fine, i.e. I have SpamBayes proxying on port 110 to 
the appropriate external POP server and that works no problem. However, if 
I try to add a second pop server to the list and a second port to proxy (I 
assume port 111 is as good as any?), and set the corresponding Eudora 
account to "localhost", I get a password authentication error from Eudora 
as follows:
"There has been an error transferring your mail. I said: PASS <shhhh! Don't 
tell anyone.> and the POP server (username at localhost) said: ERR [AUTH] 
Password supplied for "username" is incorrect."

If I change the account settingsr back to the appropriate external POP 
server and re-enter the password, it works fine, so seems like the problem 
is that the POP3Proxy is not relaying the password correctly. Am I right?

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