[Spambayes] SpamBayes old and new

Dennis Allen dwallen at missinglink.com
Tue Jan 6 23:55:38 EST 2004

I first heard about SpamBayes through an article in Infoworld, I believe.
That was a few months ago.  I downloaded that version onto my Win2K machine
at that time, and it was absolutely awesome.  Almost all spam was routed to
either the Spam or suspected Spam folder.

Since then, my Win2K machine has died, and I have installed the latest
SpamBayes versions on 2-3 new WinXP systems, one using Home, and 2 using
Pro.  With the newer versions of SpamBayes (or maybe it's due to Win XP), no
matter what I do, most spam ends up in my Inbox.  (All of the above machines
used Outlook 2000, with whatever Service Packs were available at the time.)

Am I just doing something wrong?  What once appeared to be an incredible A+
program, now appears to be a C- at best.

Sorry if this email sounds negative.  I'm just trying to understand what may
have changed.

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