[Spambayes] Ham:Spam ratio

Russ Foster russ_foster at comcast.net
Thu Feb 19 21:55:32 EST 2004

On Fri, 20 Feb 2004, Tony Meyer wrote:

> [Russ]
> > It's probably not the most elegant solution, but I just 
> > manually move some of my 'ham' (from the inbox, even though 
> > it was classified properly as ham) into the 'unsure' folder.
> > Then highlight these good messages and click "Recover from Spam".
> You'll probably find it's better to train *less spam* than *more ham*.  

I only train spam that is either misclassified to 'unsure'. Are you 
recommending just deleting some of those without training?

I wish I had less spam to train!


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