[Spambayes] Question

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sun Feb 15 18:49:09 EST 2004

[Robert Seawright]
> I am using SpamBayes 0.9 on Windows XP, when I highlight
> a file and "click" on Delete As Spam" nothing happens.
> Should anything then happen?

Yes - the message should be moved to your spam folder (assuming you have it
set up), and trained as spam.

[Brent Johnson]
> I've noticed similar behavior - but only occasionally.  I 
> selected the messages, clicked "Delete as Spam" and nothing 
> happens.  I restarted outlook and it was fine.

When this happens, are you able to use *any* of the buttons on the SpamBayes
toolbar?  I suspect that SpamBayes isn't loading for some reason (so the
toolbar will be 'dead').  Was this with 1.0a9 (0.9), or an earlier version?

If it's not that the plug-in is disabled by Outlook (but I've not heard of
it being disabled and then automatically reenabled), then the log files
should have details about what is going wrong.  We'd need to see those to be
able to figure out what's happening.

=Tony Meyer

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