[Spambayes] Why Improve Bayesian

Tim Stone tim at fourstonesExpressions.com
Sun Feb 8 20:02:33 EST 2004

On Sun, 8 Feb 2004 16:34:20 -0800 (PST), dont bother 
<dontbotherworld at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hey heres is quick question for you guys,
> I always wonder whats the need for inventing new
> techniques when most of the bayesian filters are
> giving accuracy >99.7%?
> Is that in time these bayesian techniques or method
> will become less effective?
> Thanks
> Dont

I hope the drivers that pass me on the road going the opposite direction 
are a LOT better than 99.7% accurate...  if you think about it, 99.7% 
ain't all that good...


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Tim Stone
See my photography at www.fourstonesExpressions.com

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