Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Tue Feb 3 11:46:55 EST 2004

[John Rooks]
> ...
> I did have a thought however that might make the program more useful
> and accurate. It would be great if I could flag a non-SPAM email that
> I did not want to receive anymore to something other than the SPAM
> folder. Take for example news items from the Wall Street Journal.
> This is really not SPAM, and if I flagged it as SPAM, it would
> pollute my SPAM statistics, which I don't want to do. If you however
> could place a second layer of filtering in the program which would
> kill email from identified sources, like news at wsj.com, then I could
> relieve myself of some of my non-SPAM bothersome email.
> Now, there may already be a separate Outlook plug-in for this simple
> filtering which I may be able to use simultaneously with SPAM-Bayes.

If you're using Outlook, Outlook comes with an elaborate rule-based system
of its own.  Go to Tools -> Rule Wizard, and define an Outlook rule to move
email from news at wsj.com to whatever folder you like.  Do not tell SpamBayes
to watch that folder.  The only remaining problem then is that Outlook *may*
(or may not) tell SpamBayes about a new message from news at wsj.com before
your Outlook rule moves it.  To fix that, go to SpamBayes -> SpamBayes
Manager -> Advanced, and enable background filtering.  If you set the delays
long enough, Outlook will consistently apply its own rules before telling
SpamBayes about new messages.  This is basically icky, but I'm afraid it's
the best we've been able to do (Outlook isn't cooperative here -- it's a

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