Tim Stone tim at fourstonesExpressions.com
Tue Feb 3 11:04:18 EST 2004

On Tue, 3 Feb 2004 11:00:30 -0500, John Rooks <jrooks at carrollcoatings.com> 

> Dear SPAM Gods,
> I have just discovered and installed your program on my Win98 machine, 
> and I
> think the statistical SPAM dissemination theory and execution is genius.
> Thanks!

You're quite welcome!  It works good for us, too <wink>

> I did have a thought however that might make the program more useful and
> accurate. It would be great if I could flag a non-SPAM email that I did 
> not
> want to receive anymore to something other than the SPAM folder. Take for
> example news items from the Wall Street Journal. This is really not SPAM,
> and if I flagged it as SPAM, it would pollute my SPAM statistics, which I
> don't want to do. If you however could place a second layer of filtering 
> in
> the program which would kill email from identified sources, like
> news at wsj.com, then I could relieve myself of some of my non-SPAM 
> bothersome
> email.
> Now, there may already be a separate Outlook plug-in for this simple
> filtering which I may be able to use simultaneously with SPAM-Bayes.
> If you might have a good resolution to this issue, I would be delighted 
> to
> hear of it.

We have tinkered with n-way classification, but we have not formally 
implemented it, as it is outside of the interests of the current spambayes 
contributing developers.  But... new developers are always welcome :)

> Once the program has really started working for me, I intend to deploy 
> it to
> other systems at my company, and send you folks a fine juicy donation.

That's great, please see http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/donations.html


Vous exprimer; Exprésese; Esprimi te stesso; Express yourself!
Tim Stone
See my photography at www.fourstonesExpressions.com

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