[Spambayes] What's the average miss rate of SB?

Roger oxyme at wanadoo.nl
Wed Dec 29 11:48:19 CET 2004

On my laptop (W2K, Outlook XP + plugin) I get about 70 spam mails a 
day. I would say 99.9% is scored correctly. Sometimes I get a suspect 
mail, sometimes a false negative (spam mail not classified as such), 
maybe one a week. I don't believe I ever had a false positive, and 
still I check all spam before I delete it. This is much better than the 
built in filters in Mail (OSX) or Thunderbird, even after extensive 


Op 29 dec 2004 om 11:27 heeft Katz, Amir het volgende geschreven:

> After rebuilding and readjusting my corpus (now having about 3K ham 
> and 3K spam), I still get some false negatives - clearly spam, scored 
> as 0%. My FN rate is about 4% or so. The percentage of false positives 
> is much, much lower. 
> Environment is plug-in for Outlook 2003 on Win2K
> Just out of curiosity, I wonder what kind of percentage other people 
> get.  I get about 120 spams a day.
> Amir
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