[Spambayes] Outlook-plug-in: Spambayes fails to initialize

VBCoder VBCoder at iUpTown.com
Sat Dec 18 00:53:51 CET 2004

I would recommend that "All user data" not be the path you go down.
Training Data and Configuration should be treated separately. This issue
pertains to the experiment configuration data and I feel this should be
treated separately form the non-experiment configuration data.  I am
suggesting that there be three levels of selectively removing user
information during an uninstall.  1). Training (all or nothing) 2). Standard
configuration (all or nothing) 3). experimental configuration ( selectively
by parameter).

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Meyer [mailto:tameyer at ihug.co.nz]
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 5:07 PM
To: 'Kenny Pitt'; 'VBCoder'; spambayes at python.org
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] Outlook-plug-in: Spambayes fails to initialize

>> 2).  The uninstall of Spambayes I did should have removed the
>> experimental settings.  This would have fixed the problem I had.  I
>> understand that there may be a case where some settings
>> would want to be preserved and that that could be a problem.

> We never remove any settings or training data when the user
> uninstalls.
[More reasoning snipped]

Perhaps we could enhance the uninstaller so that it included an option
(defaulting to off for all the reasons you outlined) to "remove all user
data".  It could pop up a warning "This will permanently remove all your
training data and configuration.  It will not effect the mail stored in
Outlook" or something.  I'm not sure how simple it is to modify the Inno
uninstall process, but I imagine it could be done.

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