[Spambayes] Outlook 2003 - can't access folders of other Mailboxaccounts - Log

Brendon Lansdowne brendonl at weblink.com.au
Thu Dec 9 03:38:23 CET 2004


Warning: option experimental_ham_spam_imbalance_adjustment in section
Classifier is deprecated
Loaded bayes database from '\\wld\dfs\staff files\brendonl\application
Loaded message database from '\\wld\dfs\staff files\brendonl\application
Bayes database initialized with 8541 spam and 886 good messages
*** - message database has 9426 messages - bayes has 9427 - something is
SpamBayes Outlook Addin Binary Version 1.0.1 (November 2004) starting
(with engine SpamBayes Engine Version 0.3 (January 2004))
on Windows 5.1.2600 (Service Pack 1)
using Python 2.3.4 (#53, May 25 2004, 21:17:02) [MSC v.1200 32 bit
SpamBayes: Watching (for filtering) in 'Mailbox - infobs'
SpamBayes: Watching (for filtering) in 'Mailbox - brendonbs'
SpamBayes: Watching (for filtering) in 'Mailbox - Brendon Lansdowne (2)'
SpamBayes: Watching (for filtering) in 'Mailbox - Accounts'
SpamBayes: Watching (for filtering) in 'Mailbox - Brendon
SpamBayes: Watching (for filtering) in 'Mailbox - Info'
SpamBayes: Watching (for incremental training) in 'Mailbox - Brendon
Processing 0 missed spam in folder 'Top of Information Store' took
Processing 0 missed spam in folder 'Top of Information Store' took
Processing 0 missed spam in folder 'Top of Information Store' took
Processing 0 missed spam in folder 'Top of Information Store' took
Processing missed spam in folder 'Inbox' by starting a timer
Processing 0 missed spam in folder 'Top of Information Store' took
FAILED to add the toolbar item 'SpamBayesCommand.Manager' -
(-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, None, None, None, 0,
-2147467259), None)
The above toolbar message is common - recreating the toolbar...
Message 'RE:'RTCProd=006-892-999'sp2 issues' in 'Mailbox - Brendon
Lansdowne/Inbox' had a Spam classification of 'No'
Moving and spam training message 'Re: Your software' -  Training on
message 'Re: Your software' in 'Mailbox - Nui Krairit/Junk Suspects -
trained as spam
WARNING: Bayes database has 9428 messages, but training database has
Message 'Inxepenisve V?lium ' in 'Mailbox - Brendon Lansdowne/Inbox' had
a Spam classification of 'Yes'
Message 'Remote Control Hovercraft - Not Found In Stores            ' in
'Mailbox - Brendon Lansdowne/Inbox' had a Spam classification of 'Yes'
Message 'Have we discovered the Fountain of Youth? ctt' in 'Mailbox -
Brendon Lansdowne/Inbox' had a Spam classification of 'Yes'
Message 'Gain Up To 3+ Full Inches In Length ' in 'Mailbox - Brendon
Lansdowne/Inbox' had a Spam classification of 'Yes'
Message 'you design it' in 'Mailbox - Brendon Lansdowne/Inbox' had a
Spam classification of 'Yes'
Message 'ASXTradesProcessor - BS9 (Default Settings) at is DOWN' in 'Mailbox - Brendon Lansdowne/Inbox' had a
Spam classification of 'No'
Message 'Rotating Databases SUMMARY report for 20041208 ' in 'Mailbox -
Brendon Lansdowne/Inbox' had a Spam classification of 'No'
Message 'Why not help yourself?' in 'Mailbox - Brendon Lansdowne/Inbox'
had a Spam classification of 'Yes'
Message 'Remote Control Hovercraft - Not Found In Stores
' in 'Mailbox - Brendon Lansdowne/Inbox' had a Spam classification of
Message 'you design it' in 'Mailbox - Brendon Lansdowne/Inbox' had a
Spam classification of 'Yes'
Message 'you design it' in 'Mailbox - Brendon Lansdowne/Inbox' had a
Spam classification of 'Yes'
Message ' FDA Approved' in 'Mailbox - Brendon Lansdowne/Inbox' had a
Spam classification of 'Yes'
Message 'RE: [Spambayes] Outlook 2003 - can't access folders of other
Mailboxaccounts' in 'Mailbox - Brendon Lansdowne/Inbox' had a Spam
classification of 'No'

Best regards
Brendon Lansdowne 

Email: Brendon.Lansdowne at weblink.com.au
Ph: +61 2 9495 8400
Fax: +61 2 9495 8401
Suite 5, Level 2, North Tower
1 Railway Street, Chatswood NSW 2067 
Australia www.weblink.com.au

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Meyer [mailto:tameyer at ihug.co.nz] 
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 1:40 PM
To: Brendon Lansdowne; spambayes at python.org
Subject: RE: [Spambayes] Outlook 2003 - can't access folders of other

> I clicked the folders in Filter which did not open then I checked for 
> a log file by scanning for spambayes*.log on all drives and did not 
> find such a log.

If SpamBayes is running, then it is generating a log file.  Often a
default search will not include hidden folders, and the temp directory
(where the log is) is hidden.

The simplest way to get hold of the most recent log is:

  1. Open the SpamBayes Manager dialog (from the SpamBayes toolbar)
  2. Click the Advanced tab.
  3. Click the Diagnostics button.
  4. Click the View log button.

(I notice that this isn't in the troubleshooting guide for some
reason...I'll update it).


Please always include the list (spambayes at python.org) in your replies
(reply-all), and please don't send me personal mail about SpamBayes.
http://www.massey.ac.nz/~tameyer/writing/reply_all.html explains this.

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