[Spambayes] Thank you very much for SpamBayes and proposal for new feature

Martin Kirchner martin.kirchner2 at gmx.de
Thu Dec 2 16:16:39 CET 2004

Hello everybody!

I really appreciate the you've done with SpamBayes and I'm not willing
to live a single day without the filter anymore. Really, thank you VERY
MUCH for that masterpiece. It's perfectly fits my needs.

However there is only one thing where I would like to have a new feature
but maybe it's just a bad idea. If so than I apologize right now. But I
think it would be great if SpamBayes could play a sound when
categorizing a mail as ham because now I'm at that point where I receive
much more spam than ham and every time Outlook plays the "New
Mail"-sound but it's basically just spam. So maybe my proposal can make
it to be a feature in one of the coming versions.

Thank you very much again
Martin Kirchner

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