[Spambayes] Problem with imap under linux.-part 6

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sat Aug 7 08:13:20 CEST 2004

> Well things improved but I am still making some cosmic mistake in
> using sb_imapfilter.py. I will record what happened and will accept
> advise but I think I need to rethink what I am doing.

I don't think that there's any mistake in using sb_imapfilter.py, just the
problem of using a poorly configured IMAP server.

> Clicking: Configure folders to filter or  Configure folders to train
> results now in the browser trying to retrieve something but 
> it does not succeed.

I guess the browser is timing out.  With 4913 folders to choose from, the
pages will be massively big.  If there's any way to can convince whoever
runs your IMAP server to set it up properly (so that list returns only
mailboxes, like it's meant to), then that would really help.  I'm surprised
that your mail client doesn't struggle with presenting this many folders
(unless it's searching only for a subset).

Alternatively, you could edit your configuration file and put the folder
names in there manually.  It's only the web interface that ever needs a list
of the available folders, so training/filtering wouldn't be effected by

> The python test sequence went like below this time:
> >>> i.list
> <bound method IMAP4.list of <imaplib.IMAP4 instance at 0xf6f6edac>>

There needs to be a () after list.  However, until the IMAP server is fixed,
this will always return the 4913 folders.  The change was in the processing
of that folder list (which was a legitimate bug with SpamBayes).

=Tony Meyer

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