[Spambayes] Illogicality in the Web UI?

Richie Hindle richie at entrian.com
Mon Aug 2 20:37:55 CEST 2004

> I'm pretty sure Richie is busy

He is, but that won't stop him butting in.  8-)

A possible compromise between popping up a new window (which a lot of
people don't like) and losing the state is to use two frames, one for the
list and one for a message - just like most email clients have.   Clicking
a message in the list loads the message into the other pane, and does
nothing with the state of the list.  That wouldn't be difficult to
implement - make the Review link a link to the frameset, add a
"target=messageframe" into the message links, and away you go.

The biggest downside is that you lose real estate for the list, but if you
get any volume of email then you're used to scrolling the list anyway.

What do people think?  I'll have a go at implementing it if there's
support for it, but not if it's contentious.  I'd be against making it
optional, because too many options make the code more complex, harder to
support, harder to document and harder to test.

Look at it this way: had it worked that way from day one, I don't think
anyone would have complained.  8-)


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