[Spambayes] See tab added to subject of some messages in IMAP mode???

Paul Michali pcm at cisco.com
Tue Apr 27 22:10:52 EDT 2004

This is a really weird problem. Some of my messages that
have been filtered by Spambayes have a tab character in
the subject line. This shows as a little box in my mail

I see it on some messages, not all, and usually longer
subject lengths. One was on a 73 character subject.
Another was a 82 character subject line. Here is an
example of a recent Spambayes message header that I

RE: [Spambayes] Spammers try to get around BAYES spam	filters-withexample

There is a tab between the spam and filters-withexample
words. This tab is always near the end of the subject

Any ideas? Does the filtering manipulate the subject
line at all? Running 1.0b with Python 2.3.2 on Solaris
2.6 OS.

PCM @ WORK (Paul Michali)

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