FW: [Spambayes] New SpamBayes FAQ

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Apr 27 07:51:43 EDT 2004

    Amir> Hope this helps


    Herbert> From: Herbert B. Chermside [mailto:hcherm at vcu.edu]
    Herbert> Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 17:57
    Herbert> To: spambayes at python.org
    Herbert> Cc: mcherm at mcherm.com; hcherm at erols.com; mchermside at ingdirect.com
    Herbert> Subject: [Spambayes] New SpamBayes FAQ

    Herbert> I am using SpamBayes with Eudora.  It is WONDERFUL!  I
    Herbert> currently have Eudora 6.0.2.  However, I'm only partly computer
    Herbert> literate, so it took me a while to figure out how to set the
    Herbert> filters in Eudora.  For those as inexperienced as myself, I
    Herbert> suggest an addition to SpamBayes FAQ.  Either add to present
    Herbert> 2.3 (which works perfectly!), or insert as 2.4.  (My son, a
    Herbert> Python addict, tells me these contributions are the heart and
    Herbert> soul of open source software!).  Incidentally, hcherm at erols.com
    Herbert> is my home e-mail, and I am retiring soon, so the VCU address
    Herbert> will disappear.

    Herbert> How do I Set Eudora Filters to distribute Ham, Unsure, and Spam
    Herbert> to separate mailboxes?


Thanks for this info.  I added it to the FAQ, embellished slightly with
information for Mac OS X users.  Dunno why I missed it the first time


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