[Spambayes] IMAP filtering

David Lang david.lang at digitalinsight.com
Fri Apr 16 19:54:28 EDT 2004

On Sat, 17 Apr 2004, Tony Meyer wrote:

> > IMAP doesn't have a move, but it does have a copy command
> True.  If the copy command does handle the attachments correctly, then it
> might be a solution for you.  For general usage, we want to add information
> to mail that is filtered (the other SpamBayes headers, like the score, the
> clues, and so on), so copy isn't any use.

Ok, the origional suggestion was based on the thought that a different
mechanism would be used to detect if the mail had already been processed
and therefor these modificantions could be eliminated.

> [non mail messages]
> > I was figuring that they would end up getting trained into
> > being ham (probably by noticing some of the oddball stuff
> > that would cause us problems with moving them)
> I guess testing is the way to check this.
> > thanks for the info, I haven't done much with python yet so I
> > don't know how soon I could do anything, but my need has
> > reached critical status (~500 spams/day in addition to ~500
> > legit mails/day) so I need to take the time to do _something_
> > and there aren't many people supporting IMAP at all.
> Well, maybe I could do some of it, or at least start it.  Today isn't an
> option, though (it's Saturday here, and, at least according to my wife, I
> shouldn't even be at work <wink>), but I could take a look at exactly what
> needs to be done on Monday.  Maybe it's less than I think.  It would
> certainly be easier for me, familiar with the code, to identify what needs
> to be changed.  (And you can use the weekend to learn Python <0.5 wink>).

I've actually taken an intro to python class, but without actually DOING
anything with it it will be a slow start

> In any case, although I don't have the time/inclination to proactively work
> on sb_imapfilter, I am more than happy to help anyone else that does want to
> work on it.  I'll see what my schedule next week allows for :)

let me take a look at things and poke at exchange with IMAP commands to
see what the options are (and I'll probably setup a cyrus server at home,
been meaning to do that for a while anyway)

> > hmm, I learned of this while working with Cyrus and I thought
> > it was a standard part of the spec, Ok looking through the
> > RFC it looks like not all servers send this information
> > without prompting.
> Don't even get me started on the flaws of the IMAP spec <0.1 wink>.

one of the best things that can be said for IMAP is that it's worlds
better then POP, but it's definantly not without it's flaws.

David Lang

> =Tony Meyer
> ---
> Please always include the list (spambayes at python.org) in your replies
> (reply-all), and please don't send me personal mail about SpamBayes. This
> way, you get everyone's help, and avoid a lack of replies when I'm busy.

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