[Spambayes] IMAP filtering

David Lang david.lang at digitalinsight.com
Fri Apr 16 19:18:22 EDT 2004

On Sat, 17 Apr 2004, Tony Meyer wrote:

> Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 10:47:23 +1200
> From: Tony Meyer <tameyer at ihug.co.nz>
> To: 'David Lang' <david.lang at digitalinsight.com>, spambayes at python.org
> Subject: RE: [Spambayes] IMAP filtering
> > 1. do to some unknown configuration bug in the exchange
> > server attachments from other exchange users cannot be read
> > via IMAP or POP3 (attachments sent via SMTP can be read) so
> > deleteing and re-posting these messages
> > would have the effect of stripping the attachments from them
> Note that if a message is classified as unsure/spam, then it also gets
> recreated (IMAP doesn't provide any means to move a message), so you'd lose
> this information then.  I doubt this would matter for true spam, but for
> false positives or ham unsures, this could be problematic (although note
> that the original isn't removed, just flagged for deletion).

another problem I am currently having is that once in a while a store to
IMAP locks up and never completes.

IMAP doesn't have a move, but it does have a copy command

> > 2. I am extremely nervous about deleting, modifying, and re-posting
> > messages that exchange uses for special purposes (calander scheduling
> > messages are a prime example), while they show up as mail
> > messages, they really are slightly different
> With your setup, do these appear in the same folder as mail messages?  Here,
> for example, all my Exchange folders have either mail *or* non-mail, and so
> I'd just filter those containing mail.  If they're scattered through the
> same folders, though, then this could be a problem.

they all appear in my inbox

> Actually, even without modifying the messages, this would seem to pose a
> problem, because the filter will try and classify these messages.  I have no
> idea how a scheduling message would be classified, but it's possible that it
> would be non-ham and end up moving to unsure/spam, which is probably not a
> good thing.  You might have to add some sort of code that identifies these
> messages and skips them.

I was figuring that they would end up getting trained into being ham
(probably by noticing some of the oddball stuff that would cause us
problems with moving them)

> > the fix that I am thinking of to resolve this would be to
> > change how the IMAP filter tracks the messges it has processed.
> This is certainly something that can/should be done at some point.
> Unfortunately, while the IMAP filter is used by a number of people, there
> isn't currently anyone who is taking a proactive role in developing it.  In
> fact, there never has been - Tim Stone & I initially wrote it to alleviate
> the frequent requests for such a filter.  I'm happy to maintain it (i.e. fix
> bugs and do simple improvements), but since I don't actually use it for
> day-to-day mail, I just can't find the time to take on a more active role
> with it.  I'd certainly be happy to pass the torch on to someone else, but
> no-one has stepped forward so far.
> The result is that non-simple changes are unlikely to occur unless we get
> patches (as I'm hoping you'll offer), and, especially important with IMAP,
> people testing the changes.  I'd also want to hold off checking any patches
> in until after 1.0 is out, since the current system is working reasonably
> well (but 1.0 shouldn't be too far off now that we finally have a beta out).
> > Instead of modifying the message itself if the filter tracked the
> > highest message number that it has processed it can process only
> > messages newer then that (the IMAP message ID is supposed to grow
> > larger with time).
> This isn't the ideal system, though.  The IMAP spec doesn't guarantee that
> the UID will continue to grow larger with time.  At pretty much any point,
> the server can decide to change the UID to anything it likes, as long as it
> changes the folder's id at the same time.  This could be solved by using
> some sort of combination of tracking the folder id and UID, but the folder
> id isn't guaranteed to behave in any reliable fashion, either.  AFAICT (and
> I and other people have gone through the RFC many times) there really isn't
> any way to get IMAP to produce a unique, constant, id for each message.
> Of course, any given IMAP server may actually do this, and many do.  But
> some don't, and the idea with the filter is to support as many flavours of
> IMAP as possible, which means that this isn't the way to go.  A similar
> method is to store a custom flag with the appropriate information (this is
> really the ideal way to go), except that not all servers support custom
> flags.  For you, I suspect that Exchange does support custom flags
> (instinct, not knowledge), so this might be a way for you to go.
> From past discussion, the best scheme that I've seen so far is:
>   1.  If the message has a Message-Id header, then use that as the id for
> the message.  This should be unique, will certainly be constant, and simple
> checks indicate that it's present in most messages.
>   1(a).  However, from other work with Exchange, messages from other
> Exchange users may very well *not* have a Message-ID header if they're still
> sitting on the server; I'm not sure - all the Exchange work I've done has
> involved an Outlook client.  If they don't, then they might have some sort
> of Exchange id that would work just as well; it'd be easy enough to check.
>   2.  Otherwise, get a checksum for the message (using one of the routines
> in the standard library) and use that as the id for the message.  This is
> most likely to be unique (especially if you include the headers, although
> you could have duplicates), and should be constant (because IMAP doesn't
> allow message text/headers to be changed).
> If you are interested in doing this, it might be worth reading through the
> messages in the spambayes-dev archives that discuss this.  Googling for
> "site:mail.python.org spambayes-dev imap" will get them (there aren't a lot
> of spambayes-dev messages about the imap filter, so there shouldn't be much
> else).  We'd certainly be interested in a patch.

thanks for the info, I haven't done much with python yet so I don't know
how soon I could do anything, but my need has reached critical status
(~500 spams/day in addition to ~500 legit mails/day) so I need to take the
time to do _something_ and there aren't many people supporting IMAP at

> > As an additional optimization, instead of running every x min as it
> > currently does the filter could register itself with the server for
> > specific mailboxes and have the server notify it when new
> > mail has arrived and process it immediatly (this also can produce
> > less server load and network traffic then frequent polling for new
> > messages, a win for both load and responsivness)
> I presume this is something that Exchange lets you do?  AFAIK this isn't
> something that regular IMAP4 can do, otherwise this would indeed be a better
> way to do it.  If a patch to allow this didn't require too much refactoring
> of the code, I wouldn't have a problem with including this as an option, for
> those people in your situation.  Unless this is something that strict IMAP4
> can handle I wouldn't want it in the main distribution under other
> conditions, though.  In any case, there's certainly no reason why you
> couldn't run a version patched like this yourself.

hmm, I learned of this while working with Cyrus and I thought it was a
standard part of the spec, Ok looking through the RFC it looks like not
all servers send this information without prompting.

David Lang

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