[Spambayes] Problem with POP3 Proxy

dbm8 at shawmail.ok.shawcable.net dbm8 at shawmail.ok.shawcable.net
Mon Apr 5 18:38:20 EDT 2004

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I am using SpamBayes POP3 Proxy Version 0.4 (February 2004) (binary),
with version 2.3.2+ (#49, Oct 23 2003, 15:50:06) [MSC v.1200 32 bit
(Intel)] of Python; my operating system is Windows 5.1.2600.2 (Service
Pack 1).  I have trained 107 ham and 118 spam.    The problem I am
having is    1)1st install worked well (99%) but noticed trained
ham/spam should be ~equal and had ~300 spam/100 ham so reinstalled SB.
2) 2nd install gets ~1/3 spam.  ??  3) SB never did show up in
'services'.  Any advice appreciated.  dave.

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