[Spambayes] No Filterable mail items are selected

Coe, Bob rcoe at CambridgeMA.GOV
Thu Apr 1 12:05:03 EST 2004

This also happens if you select a message group rather than an individual message, even if all the included messages are filterable. Intuitively, you'd think you could "Delete as Spam" a group (since many Outlook operations, including "Delete", do work on groups). But that operation has never worked in Spambayes.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: spambayes-bounces at python.org
> [mailto:spambayes-bounces at python.org]On Behalf Of Tony Meyer
> Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:42 PM
> To: 'Daren Kinser'; spambayes at python.org
> Subject: RE: [Spambayes] No Filterable mail items are selected
> > Has anyone seen this before?
> [...]
> > I received about 4 spam messages, all within about 30 
> > minutes that appear to be from different sources. When 
> > I select any of these messages and then click 
> > on "Delete As Spam" I get the following message.
> > 
> > No filterable mail items are selected.
> > 
> > I can then click OK to clear the message and the spam 
> > messages are still there. All other messages it works fine 
> > with. 
> SpamBayes tries to figure out which messages you have received, and which
> you haven't (sent items, drafts, etc).  (You can filter ones you have
> received, but not the others).  Unfortunately there's not a simple way to do
> this, so it relies on a few rules that seem to be right almost all the time.
> There have been a few cases like this where SpamBayes is wrong, and a
> message has actually been received.
> There's an open tracker about this:
> [ 854547 ] message won't filter
> <http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=61702&atid=498103&fu

You can upload a copy of those messages to that tracker, if you like, and we
can look at the properties of the message, but it seems unlikely that this
will be fixed in the near future.  Obviously, you can just move those
messages manually, and this should be very rare (if not, then there's much
more incentive for it to be quickly fixed).

=Tony Meyer

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