[Spambayes] reporet on trying 1.0a6 on SuSE

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Wed Sep 24 02:58:17 EDT 2003

> Ah.  As I go on to say, I get some problems in teh scripts too.

I wasn't thinking clearly enough.  The compat code obviously has to be
in all the module that use True/False, even if it has been declared in
another module that gets imported first.

I've checked in corrections for setup.py, sb_filter, sb_server and
Options.py.  (I'm guessing that it's a while since anyone has actually
used spambayes with 2.2)

> I'm still intent on getting it working on my system, so I'll 
> hopefully have some more reports shortly.

Greatly appreciated.

[from the second message]
> "sb_filter.py -n -d .sb_hammie.db" responds 
> "Created new database in /home/ian/.hammiedb".  
> Indeed it has, so it seems -n ignores the -d.  No matter.

The order of the parameters is important here.  If you did "sb_filter.py
-d .sb_hammie.db -n" you should get the right name used.  This is rather
unintuitive, so I'll check in a change for this for 1.1, but leave it
alone (in case people are used to it) for 1.0b1.

[web interface error]
> TypeError: object does not support item assignment

This is a bug in 1.0a6 :(.  I've checked in a fix for it (earlier this
afternoon).  Basically the database gets closed every time you save the
options, so you'll need to restart sb_server after doing so (or use a
pickle).  This is hitting quite a few people, not surprisingly...

=Tony Meyer

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