[Spambayes] Obvious Spam Missed...

Adam Walker adam.walker at rbwconsulting.com
Tue Sep 16 16:22:14 EDT 2003

With the option set to True, I had no trouble with 2.4:1 and some
misclassifications when it was over 30:1.
I have the option set to False now and a ratio of 2.3:1 and no trouble.

> -----Original Message-----
> [Ryan]
> > I trained with a little over 500 ham and 1500 spam, so far nothing
> > has been misclassified and only a few unsures in just over a week of
> > use.  It even captured a bunch of double-bounced spam to
> > mailer-daemon on my server (it gets delivered to my inbox).   A 1:3
> > ratio does not seem to skew things, at least not for my typical mail.
> [TimP]
> It's more complicated than that <wink>:  the
> experimental_ham_spam_imbalance
> option is enabled by default in the Outlook client, but disabled by
> default
> for all other spambayes applications.  So unless we know how you're using
> spambayes, your testimony isn't telling us whether the option isn't needed
> for your 1:3 imbalance, or that the option is helping with your 1:3
> imbalance.

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