[Spambayes] Help needed for using spambayes on PC Windows 2000

Fred Bartholomai fred.bartholomai at acsatl.com
Mon Sep 15 11:46:59 EDT 2003

Dear SpamBayes,
I need help installing SpamBayes on my PC in order to interface with a
Non Outlook 2000 Email client. The client I am using is: Mozilla
Thunderbird 0.2
We are having problems with Outlook 2000.
Your web page mentions to download the source to my PC. My problem
Is I do not have a compiler on my PC. Do you have any binary versions
That I could download ?
Thank you,
Fred Bartholomai
Fred Bartholomai
Advanced Control Systems, Inc.
Software Dept., R&D Consultant
770 849 0131 x334
fred.bartholomai at acsatl.com

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