[Spambayes] SpamBayes Wish List Item: The ability to DELETE spam

John Moyles jmoyles at cdre.com
Wed Sep 10 17:31:09 EDT 2003

Thanks for the great product (running it as an outlook plugin).  I've
turned several people on to the product.  

When touching a "spam" or "possible" spam message, you can leave it
untouched, move, or copy it.  How about the option to delete (and/or
permanantly delete it)?  If this is considered to dangerous how about a
third column with a slider and the option to delete the message - So I
could set my slider to x% and it would delete and messages that it
scores at x% or better.

This came about on our end because I end up manually blowing away the
spam messages (I get about 1,000 spam messages a day now), which takes
extra time on my part.  I considered using Outlooks autoarchive feature
to do the same thing once per day, *but* autoarchive sends "not read"
receipts for any message not read and deleted via the autoarchive,
regardless of your outlook settings.  Which sucks.

Is it possible through the plugin, and is it a solid enough an idea to

- John

John Moyles
Aurora (Denver), CO
Land Line: (720) 870-2626
Mobile: (720) 201-8702
Fax: (720) 294-9934
Text Page: mobile at cdre.com

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