[Spambayes] Sample spam clues for white-on-white message

Ryan Malayter rmalayter at bai.org
Tue Oct 28 17:25:37 EST 2003

> From: Gray Norton [mailto:gray at stanfordalumni.org] 
> Subject: RE: [Spambayes] Sample spam clues for white-on-white message

> ... I set 
> things up this way because I wasn't sure how Spambayes 
> interacted with Outlook rules from a timing standpoint and I 
> figured it couldn't hurt to check all of the folders.

I only have SB watch my inbox, and I turn on "enable background
filtering" from the advanced tab of the SB manager with a delay of 10
seconds. This allows all Outlook rules to run first, and then SB does
its work on what remains after waiting a few seconds.

> So, if I understand you correctly, the train-on-move options 
> displayed in the Spambayes Manager apply when messages are 
> moved by drag-and-drop or by Outlook rules, but NOT when 
> messages are moved by Spambayes' "delete as spam" and 
> "recover as ham" buttons (in which case training happens 
> regardless of the setting). Have I inferred correctly? If so, 
> then I was definitely mistaken in my original interpretation 
> of these options.

The train on move options do train when you move the message by
drag-and-drop. I'm not certain if they pick up Outlook rules moving
messages, since I use the settings I describe above to prevent that.

When you click on delete as spam or recover from spam, you train and
move the messages, as you would expect.


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