[Spambayes] Anti -Virus

Kenny Pitt kennypitt at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 28 12:39:19 EST 2003

Keith Roos wrote:
> Gentlemen,
>  Viruses are triggered by  opening an e-mail to read it. That's why
> it is standard practice to  set outlook not to  preview the inbox.
> Sure would be slick if your program could determine Spam with out
> opening the e-mail and exposing the computer to viruses.

Viruses in an e-mail are triggered by one of two things: the user
executes an attachment, or there is some active content such as
JavaScript or an ActiveX control in an HTML e-mail that gets executed
when the user views the message.  In Outlook or Outlook Express, the
second condition occurs because the Internet Explorer engine is what is
used to render the HTML.

Because SpamBayes neither executes the attachments nor renders the
content, there should be no problems with accidentally triggering a

Kenny Pitt

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