[Spambayes] Suggestion/Help offer

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Fri Oct 17 21:11:38 EDT 2003

> I'm using the spambayes plugin for outlook, and while I find
> it's a very
> good tool, it seems to lack the ability to "whitelist" &
> "blacklist" certain
> addresses, in particular, I'd like to whitelist anything that comes in
> through my corporate exchange email to remain in my inbox,
> regardless of
> what it is. Is this a limitation of spambayes in general or
> just the plugin?
> If the former, are there any plans to do something like this?

There are no plans.  See Manuel's reply for a workaround, but my position
now is that as this is a commonly requested feature, and I can not continue
to say it isn't needed or useful.  Therefore, I'd be happy to accept patches
to implement this, and help someone with general direction etc.  However,
I'm very unlikely to add it myself.

> I am also a pseudo-skilled python developer, I use it strictly for
> automating processes at work (such as code check-out, build, in-house
> deployment to multiple locations, etc.).  If you're in the market for
> another developer and have some specific tasks in mind that
> need to be done,
> I'm may be able to help.  Let me know.

Well there you go :)  If you can provide a nice implementation, many people
would agree that it would make a nice addition.


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