[Spambayes] Spambayes shows up in Outlook 2002, but no action is done

Dejonghe, Manuel Manuel.Dejonghe at cycos.com
Mon Oct 13 08:44:50 EDT 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dr. Thomas Ischler [mailto:ischler at web.de] 
> Sent: Montag, 13. Oktober 2003 13:43
> To: spambayes at python.org
> Subject: [Spambayes] Spambayes shows up in Outlook 2002,but no action
is done
> Hi,
> I tried Spambayes 7.0 and was very content with the results. But
> once I had a problem with Outlook 2002 and was asked to quit
> Spambayes as the error was identified by the system in this
> Add-IN :-(.

As far as I know, Outlook loves to say that the problem "may be in this
extension", and then shows up the name for the only one extension. With
this message-box, it informs you of the fact he deactivated this add-in.
To check whether it has been disabled, have a look at Menu
Help->About->Disabled Items
If it's disabled, you may reenable it by this way.
If THEN, it starts over to crash again, I would say it starts to sound
like it's the cause ;-)

As far as I know, the Toolbar is shown, whether the AddIn is enabled or
not. (especially with v0081)

To reinstall, I would (and everybody else on thelist does) strongly
recommend to uninstall before with the methods written in
troubleshooting. That means a grep trough your registry too.


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