[Spambayes] SpamBayes vs. Outlook Mailbox Rules - final

Dejonghe, Manuel Manuel.Dejonghe at cycos.com
Fri Oct 10 09:59:17 EDT 2003

> > > Is this what the "Background Scanning" in the "Advanced" 
> > tab means ? 
> > 
> > Yes, looks like you found it!

I was just afraid from using it...

> > 
> > > I wasn't able to find anything about that feature.
> > 
> > It's been documented on this mailing list, and in the INI files
> > themselves as comments. Not sure about anywhere else.

I'm not on the mailinglist that long, and my INI-Files do not contain
comments on this, I had a look in it, BEFORE ;-)

> It is subtle, but the "tool tips" on all these dialogs work - 
> click on the "?" at the top of the dialog, then on any item 
> in the dialog to see what the option does.

Whoa ! Great !

> I wonder if we should add this information to the main dialog 
> page - something like "For information on any option, click 
> on the '?' button, then on the option"?

I dunno if I've overseen it or rather ignored. Maybe latter, as most of
these TopicHelps do not work in other application, or when they do, it's
very poor.
Maybe it has to do with the fact I'm way confused searching for
information or help on SpamBayes: The web page provides general
information on the python project, a few webpages shipped with the
outlook-addin do explain the most important steps, the
troubleshooting-page refers to the faq (to be read online at best) and
the mailing list. Did I miss something ?

Thanks for help, Manuel

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