[Spambayes] crashing outlook with pgp plugin

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu Oct 9 20:52:01 EDT 2003

I have had identical problems with the PGP plugin.  I rarely use it now, but
when I did, I found it necessary to disable it immediately after use, else
it would crash as certain mails came in.

I found I could always restart it by starting "outlook /safe", then deleting
the offending mail, then restarting.

This was all happening before and during SpamBayes.  I never saw anything
that implied SpamBayes was involved in any way.  However, I also never had
to uninstall SpamBayes to make things work again.  (Note that instead of
uninstalling/reinstalling, you can use "regsvr32 spambayes_addin.dll" or
"regsvr32 /u spambayes_addin.dll")

> The error is sth like
> "Outlook.exe - Application Error"
> The instruction at "0x33010542" referenced memory at "0x20217369".
> The memory could not be "written".
> Click OK to terminate the program.
> Click on Cancel to debug the program.
> In the debugger, there is another error alert window:
> Unbehandelte Ausnahme in OUTLOOK.EXE (PGPEXCH.DLL):
> 0xC0000005: Access Violation

These were the same errors I saw - always in the PGP extension.

> Moreover I have increased the Diagnostics Log File verbosity
> from 0 to 1, in the hope that we can find out what's going on.
> What is a good verbosity? More than 1?

3 is about the highest we support at the moment.


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